The 37th Annual Senior Scholarship Audition
Sunday, April 6, 2025
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
Fusion Dance Center in Roselle Park, NJ
$25 per applicant. This fee is non-refundable.
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Frances L. Chalif Senior Scholarship
Honoring Frances & Amos Chalif
The Frances L. Chalif Senior Scholarship Fund was begun by Amos Chalif to honor his sister Frances. She died in an automobile accident involving a drunk driver on her way to Palm Sunday Mass.
The first scholarship auditions were conducted on April 5, 1987. The scholarship was maintained by Amos until his passing in 2012. The scholarship name was changed to honor both he and Frances to show our appreciation for his generosity to our organization.
The scholarship is now solely funded by ADT-NJ. It is awarded annually by audition to high school students of ADT-NJ members in good standing.
Scholarship Audition Format & Guidelines
Applicants Will Be Evaluated On:
Eligibility Requirements:
How to Apply:
Personal appearance/dress code
Introduction/essay summary presentation
Technique class: attitude and effort, dance etiquette, application of teacher corrections, and technical execution
Combination: performance quality and technical execution.
ADT-NJ Member must be in good standing (dues paid) and have attended and signed into at least one Workshop Meeting during the current season.
ADT-NJ Member must accompany their student entrants on the day of the audition.
Entrant must be a current student of a Member and have attended at least one ADT-NJ Workshop during the current season.
Entrant must be a high school student, grades 9-12, not acting in an independent teaching capacity (teaching assistants are welcome to apply).
Entrant must complete the online application along with the $25.00 non-refundable application fee by midnight on March 29, 2025.
Entrant must download, complete, scan, and email the Senior Scholarship Release Form (provided to eligible studios via email) by midnight on March 29, 2025 to info@associateddanceteachers.com.​
Application links will be sent via email to eligible teachers to forward to their students.
An eligible teacher may submit as many qualified students as they wish (no limit).
The student will then submit their own application (including essay and release) online.
Confirmation of receipt of application will be emailed to the ADT-NJ Member Teacher. The firm deadline for entry and complete release forms is March 29, 2025 at midnight.
Additional questions may be directed to the scholarship committee:
Dr. Lindsey Grites-Weeks 609-705-8312

The 36th Annual Frances L. Chalif Memorial Scholarship Audition was held on Sunday, March 17, 2024 in the style of ballet.

1st Place: Juliette Besson (Teacher: Ellen Smith, Moderne Academie of Fine Arts)
2nd Place: Luba Ferencevych (Teacher: Ellen Smith, Moderne Academie of Fine Arts)
3rd Place: Zoe Psathas (Teacher: Ellen Smith, Moderne Academie of Fine Arts)